Reseller Marketing
Here are proven strategies that will ensure that your new START Value Added Reseller program is successful.
1) Send a custom email to your current customers about signing up for their own Merchant Account & Authorize.Net Gateway:
- This is the quickest way to launch your new Merchant Account program and start earning revenue!
- Many of your customers are already thinking about eCommerce and how to make it work for them.
- Ask if they might be interested in accepting credit cards for phone orders, or on their Web sites through a shopping cart system you are able to provide them.
- Ask if they are ready to upgrade from Pay Pal to a real Merchant Account.

2) Feature our Get STARTed Now and other graphics and banners on your Web site:
- More visibility leads to more sales!
3) Add a “Merchant Accounts” link to your co-branded Online Application right on your home page:
Click Here to view an example of a Co-Branded Application.
- Benefit from your existing Website traffic and newcomers to your site.
4) Advertise and promote your co-branded Online Application everywhere:
- Every START Value Added Reseller has different methods to get their Merchant Account program noticed.
- The more customers that sign up for your Merchant Account and Payment Gateway services, the more money you will earn.
Use Newsletters, Classifieds, bulletin boards, targeted emailing, chat rooms, phone calls etc.
START Value Added Reseller Agreement
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With over $160 Million in transactions monthly you can trust START to get you the best rates and superior service
Resources & Articles For Merchant Account Clients
Best Practices for an eCommerce website to avoid fraud
Best Practices For ECommerce Thank you for choosing START Merchant Services as your eCommerce Merchant Account provider. For your Merchant Account to be APPROVED quickly and efficiently, clearly display your contact info, as well as your intended Refund, Exchange,...
Every eCommerce website should do this
Customer disputes and chargebacks are very costly to eCommerce merchants in terms of both time and money. Disputes are time consuming to resolve, and when left unresolved…turn into expensive chargebacks! Chargebacks typically cost $25 per incident, and you will also...
What your website needs to accept credit cards
Thank you for choosing START Merchant Services as your eCommerce Merchant Account provider. In order for your Merchant Account to be APPROVED quickly and efficiently, clearly display your contact info, as well as your intended Refund, Exchange, Warranty and/or...